Typical for BG-Graspointer
In fact, the appeal to politics really fits our long-standing philosophy. Once again, it is shown that climate protection is of a deeply economic interest. Environmental products are in demand, because they conserve resources. The best example offered by our company is our HPC material FILCOTEN®. It is lightweight and very stable. Gutters made from this material cause significantly lower transport and fuel costs compared to products made from concrete. In addition, as part of the Climate Alliance , we have committed to using resources in a more economical way. For the production of FILCOTEN® gutters, energy consumption is half of that of classically produced gutters!
Actions speak louder than words!
This initiative is not all about talking. We want to follow up with action. This is why we are appealing to the parties of the future federal government to implement the demands in everybody’s interest. As a company, we need the clarity and security for long-term and targeted investments in the future. The business community has signaled that it is prepared to contribute to climate protection. Now it’ time for politicians to make a move.