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The new BG-FILCOTEN green

Higher, faster, cleaner.

So far, BG-FILCOTEN® green has done an outstanding job at absorbing great amounts of rainwater and filtering out impurities before they seep into the ground. The recent ÖNORM B 2506-3 standard regulates the requirements and testing methods for filter materials. As a reaction, our new BG-FILCOTEN® green is an economic giant that benefits the environment: Measuring 640 mm, it is the highest substrate channel on the market, proving that sometimes size matters when it comes to efficiency and cleanliness.

In certain areas, rainwater cannot seep directly into the ground due to sealed surfaces. Substrate channels such as the new FILCOTEN® green absorb and clean rainwater on connected surfaces, letting it seep into the ground.

In certain areas, rainwater cannot seep directly into the ground due to sealed surfaces. Substrate channels such as the new FILCOTEN® green absorb and clean rainwater on connected surfaces, letting it seep into the ground.

The new BG-FILCOTEN® green with its 300 mm substrate height meets the requirements of the ÖNORM B 2506-3 standard. The technical filter clears water from fortified surfaces as well as copper and zinc roofs.

Measuring 640 mm, the new BG-FILCOTEN® green is the largest substrate channel available.

More of everything: Thanks to the larger retention volume directly beneath the intake screen, the new BG-FILCOTEN® green is able to absorb peak volumes of heavy rainfall. At the same time, the larger nominal diameter also increases the connected drainage area.

Three-way cleaner: The new BG-FILCOTEN® green distinguishes itself by its exceptional cleaning features and sustainability when it comes to raw materials, manufacture and application. FILCOTEN® HPC (High Performance Concrete) is based on mineral raw materials, it is 100 % recyclable and free from solvents or resins.

Toxic evaporation during or after the production is avoided, and only wind, water and other ecological energy sources are used.

The direct way back to nature

In the natural water cycle, precipitation ideally seeps directly into the ground. In reality, however, this is faced with three challenges.


• Due to increasing population, there are more and more sealed surfaces. Rainwater cannot simply seep into the ground, it has to be redirected using drainage systems. In many urban areas, this lowers the groundwater level.

• In industrial areas, precipitation contains more impurities and contaminants due to the pollution of the air.

• Not to forget road traffic and the resulting dust, salts and tire wear particles.


It is prohibited by official standards in certain states and counties and also highly questionable from an ecological standpoint – to simply discharge polluted water into the ground. Furthermore, precipitation is likely to increase in the future and the sewers are already unable to cope with redirecting water to the treatment plants today. Substrate channels absorb and filter rainwater, re-entering it into the natural water cycle by letting it seep into the ground.

New standard, new substrate

In line with the stricter requirements for technical filters, the necessary substrate thickness has increased from 150 to 300 mm. Thanks to this, the new BG-FILCOTEN® green has even more efficient cleaning properties at a high seepage rate. The newly developed technical filter of the highest cleaning category is now not only applicable for water on fortified surfaces, but also for precipitation draining from zinc or cooper roofs.

Large quantities? No problem!

In the first five to fifteen minutes of very intense rainfall, the water quantities can be too much for the filter to absorb. To meet these peak quantities, the excess amounts are initially stored within the drainage channel, which allows the water to simply trickle down bit by bit. This process is called retention. The new BG-FILCOTEN® green comes with a significantly increased retention volume directly beneath the intake screen. In this way, it can move greater amounts of rainwater to the outer edges without backing up, draining even larger surfaces than before. Another advantage: The water pressure and with it the seeping speed increase with higher volumes of water. The expansion of the nominal diameter from 300 to 400 mm also increases the connecting area per running meter of the drainage channel.

Connecting areas per running meter
of the drainage channel:
Connectable areas [sqm]Rain intensity [l/s*Ha]
Three-way cleaner

The new BG-FILCOTEN® green combines tried and tested strengths with the latest technology. It offers exceptional cleaning properties and sustainability when it comes to raw materials, manufacture and application.

raw materials

Just like its predecessor, the drainage channel body is made from FILCOTEN® HPC (High Performance Concrete), based on 100 % recyclable, mineral raw materials, completely free from solvents or resins.



By excluding solvents and resins, we take responsibility for our employees and protect them from harmful evaporation. In addition, the production process is based entirely on wind, water and other ecological energy sources.



BG-FILCOTEN® green is the go-to solution when cleaning is simply not enough. This applies to industrial buildings, condominiums with parking facilities, logistics centers and houses with zinc or copper roofs in particular. The new technical filter with its effective spectrum lives up to these challenges. The prefilter fleece above the substrate can be easily installed and replaced, providing efficient preclearing of coarse dirt to ensure the longevity of the substrate.


Learn more about BG-FILCOTEN® green in this brochure.
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Christian Ablinger
Product Manager
BG-Graspointner | Austria