The cost-efficient way to make road shoulders safe.

BG-ROAD LEFIX side-strip slab

More durability, more safety with the BG-ROAD LEFIX side-strip slabs. Road verges need a lot of maintenance and incur high running costs. A particularly long-lasting and economic solution was applied for the project K 2098 Lohmühle-Stangenbach near Heilbronn.

There is rock on one side of the road, and a sloping embankment on the other side. 

There is rock on one side of the road, and a sloping embankment on the other side. 

The asphalt was milled off in the two connecting points.

The milled road surface offers smooth connecting area for the next steps.

EA concrete bed with constructive steel reinforcing ensures that the LEFIX® side-strip slabs are connected securely to the asphalt. 

BG-ROAD LEFIX® side-strip slabs were installed on all-over bedding on subconcrete.

The reconstruction of the road surface consisted of an eight-centimeter base.

There’s always trouble on the roadside

Road verges are essential – but expensive to maintain. Firstly, the shrubbery has to be cut back on a regular basis to ensure that nothing is blocking the view, and to prevent water from collecting. In addition, dirt and vegetation debris have to be removed. And if there is loose rubble, the road surface has to be cleaned and the verge re-filled and re-compacted. Grass verges will not last long in areas with a lot of bends, either. However, there is a solution that is gradually becoming widely accepted: BG-Graspointner’s LEFIX® side-strip slabs. They ensure safe and clean roadsides, saving maintenance costs in the long run. Using the restoration project of district road K 2098 Lohmühle-Stangenbach, we will explain the improvements the product brought to the 1,300 meter-stretch of road.


Trouble spot

The section of the road passes through a forest area. There is rock on one side of the road, and a sloping embankment on the other side (image 1). Since the road was only around five meters wide before the restoration, drivers were forced to swerve onto the verge – which started to slide off to one side. As a consequence, the road surface lost stability and started to crack.


Thomas Conrad from the construction department of the district council Heilbronn is familiar with the LEFIX® side-strip slabs. He has already used them on five construction projects he contracted out, planned and realized.

This product is perfect for the K 2098 project. A full extension would have been possible as an alternative, but this would have cost about two million euros for 1,300 meters of road.

This would not have been justifiable for a traffic flow of 300 vehicles per day (plus bus traffic). With the LEFIX® side-strip slabs the overall costs only amounted to around 400,000 euros. Running costs: zero.


(No) Alternatives

The technician from Heilbronn knows the options available for road verge construction.

Rubble verges are out of the question as they would start sagging after a short period of time. Some projects use grass verges. However, they don’t provide the smooth connection to the asphalt road surface, which means the construction will become unstable sooner or later. At some point, grass verges will sag or break.

BG-Graspointner’s solution is easy and clever: massive side-strip slabs made from highly compacted concrete, frost and road salt-resistant with a concrete quality of C30/37 to ensure lasting stability and safety.

The trafficable LEFIX® side-strip slabs are uniquely suited to reinforce the roadside; the continuous length reinforces the asphalt edge and ensures stability in the long run – even on the embankment.

Getting to work

Conrad planned the project in January 2020. The call for tenders took place in January and February, and the project started on April 20. Drillings confirmed the stability of the existing surface. Therefore, Conrad decided to resurface ­– in other words: reconstruct – the road. The asphalt was only milled off in the two connecting points (image 2).

This produces less debris, which significantly lowers the costs. After all, the disposal of potentially contaminated material is particularly expensive.

The costs per running meter of LEFIX® side-strip slabs for this project amounted to approx. 100 to 150 euros, including excavating, disposal, subconcrete, installation and slabs, etc.


After milling the connecting points, a concrete bed was installed on the entire stretch (80 cm width) with constructive steel reinforcing to ensure that the LEFIX® side-strip slabs were connected securely to the asphalt (image 4). The reconstruction of the road surface consisted of an eight-centimeter base (image 6) plus four centimeters of top layer. Then the ground was brought in line with the embankment (image 7).


And it’s done!

The road construction project, including 50 cm-wide, solid and safe side-strip slabs, was completed after only nine weeks (image 8). Now drivers can swerve onto the side-strip without affecting its stability. According to Conrad, an extension of the entire road would have taken at least six months – even longer with downhill retaining structures.


A great fit

“Nothing is going to slip off on this stretch. The side-strip slabs are the ideal solution for two-way traffic on narrow district roads. They are positioned at asphalt-level and secure the side of the road in a reliable way.”


And keeping in mind that the maintenance costs and construction time are far less than what is required for an extension of the entire road, LEFIX® side-strip slabs are more than worthwhile. A gravel verge may be cheaper to start with, but it will incur additional high maintenance costs in the long run. Thomas Conrad estimates these to be 10,000 euros in the first half year for the stretch of road. Then the side strip has become solid and maintenance costs amount to 200 euros per month.


Durable and safe for traffic

LEFIX® side-strip slabs come with another advantage: the rumbling effect that alerts drivers when the slabs are crossed. And the solid structure at surface level gives drivers a chance to correct their steering. Also, thanks to its grooved surface and a 3 % incline cross-section, the LEFIX® side-strip slabs enable optimal drainage, prevent water discharge, and they don’t pose any problems for winter road clearing, either. Conrad expects the road surface layer to last 15 years, and the broadening is designed to last 30 years. LEFIX® side-strip slabs by BG-Graspointner have been available on the market for 16 years.


Are you looking for a cost-effective way to secure roadsides and reduce recurring costs? Our specialists look forward to helping you:

Tel: +44 1424 817050


Project overview


Project name

K 2098 Lohmühle-Stangenbach 



Heilbronn, Germany


Installed channel types

BG-ROAD LEFIX® shoulder slab


Total installed length in meters

1300 m


Services BG-Support

Karl-Heinz Gramlich



Thomas Conrad


BG-Project team:

Karl-Heinz Gramlich



LRA Heilbronn Mr. Conrad


Building contractor

Wolff&Müller Niederlassung Künzelsau

Karl-Heinz Gramlich 
Director Product 